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Chiropractic Adjustments: TikTok Traction, Healing Expectations, and Rising Criticism

Recently, my TikTok videos showcasing chiropractic adjustments have gained significant traction. It’s been exciting to see so many people engage with the content and book appointments. However, many of those coming in are not fully educated on what chiropractic care entails. Most expect immediate relief after a single visit, but healing doesn't always happen that way. While these clients are generally understanding, they're often surprised to learn what's truly going on inside their bodies.

Through chiropractic care, I aim to not only adjust but also educate. Your spine, nervous system, and muscular health are interconnected, and correcting imbalances is a process. Healing takes time, patience, and consistency. The Tik Toks I post are just glimpses of what happens, and for many, it’s an eye-opener. They realize their health issues run deeper than they thought, and with every adjustment, they become more in tune with their own bodies.

On the flip side, with this newfound popularity has come some slander, particularly from physiotherapists. They have taken to social media to mock or belittle the work I do. But, as the saying goes, “You know you're doing something right when you receive hate.” These criticisms, while uncalled for, are a reflection of their discomfort with the success of chiropractic care and its effectiveness for so many people. My focus remains on helping my clients, and I let the results speak for themselves.

At the end of the day, I remind myself of something Jesus once said: “Love all.” It’s a guiding principle in how I treat my patients and even those who criticize me. Instead of reacting with anger, I choose understanding, love, and dedication to what I know is right. Chiropractic care isn’t about one-visit fixes; it's about long-term healing, care, and trust. And I’m grateful to be able to share that journey with more people each day.

~ Jacob Parry

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